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MFL - Spanish

MFL - Spanish

Subject Lead: Miss Z McCulloch

Curriculum Rationale - MFL 


At Lingey House, we offer Spanish as our modern foreign language curriculum.  Children begin formal learning in KS2 in line with the National Curriculum expectations but are often introduced to some basic Spanish words in KS1.  Through our teaching of Spanish, it is our intention to develop our children’s knowledge and skills when reading, writing, speaking and listening in a foreign language.  We understand how language learning can prepare children for future employment and broaden their horizons in the future. We recently switched from French to Spanish teaching at Lingey House as we felt that Spanish, due to being more widely spoken, could broaden our children’s opportunities and enrich their lives as they are more likely to visit a Spanish-speaking country on holiday.  



Throughout KS2, our children have regular Spanish lessons.  To support teaching and learning in Spanish, we use a program called ‘Language Angels’.  This is an interactive program which engages our children, allows them to hear the correct pronunciation of Spanish words and phrases and use these words across a range of games and activities.  There is a strong focus on developing a knowledge and understanding of Spanish phonics and grammar as well as developing a wide Spanish vocabulary.  Children are presented with regular opportunities to listen to spoken Spanish, speak in Spanish, read Spanish words and produce writing in Spanish. 



Through high quality teaching and learning in Spanish, our children will become confident when speaking and listening, reading and writing.  They will develop the knowledge and skills to converse in another language. 

