Subject Lead: Miss A Bell
Pupils are helped to develop the ability to express their thoughts, ideas and communication skills through the written word. Every attempt is made to ensure that pupils develop a command of basic English which includes punctuation, spelling, grammar and correct letter formation. For handwriting, we use the Letterjoin scheme. Pupils in EYFS and Year 1 have daily lessons where they are taught to form lower case and capital letters correctly. All pupils from Year 2 onwards are taught cursive letters and they will take part in exercises to develop skills for improving fluency.
Writing happens daily and is taught both discreetly. High-quality texts are used to give children content for writing. Children are taught a wide range of grammar skills throughout the year and apply their learning into their writing. We strive to ensure our children write through a range of different contexts e.g. real-life experiences, visits/visitors and fiction and non-fiction text types. We believe it is important that children see their work as having purpose and that they regard themselves as authors of their work. Opportunities are provided for pupils to develop the necessary writing skills required for different purposes and audiences. The link between reading and writing is strongly emphasised.
One of the best ways to support your child with their writing, is by supporting them with their reading. Reading to them, or supporting them read a range of books, will widen their vocabulary and help them understand written language. Simple writing tasks at home like writing a shopping list, making a up a story/poem or finding information about a chosen topic can help your child's writing skills.